Okay, so I have to admit, I am really good at starting projects, get really excited about them, mentioning them here on the blog (as in "more on that later!") and then either never getting around to posting about it or not doing it until months later. This is one of those projects, I probably vaguely mentioned it a month ago. But here it is!!! It's my "Flowers from A to Z" project!
It’s pretty straightforward; I am designing a flower brooch for each letter of the alphabet. So far, I have A to D completed:
A is for Aster 
B is for Blue Bells
C is for Chrysanthemum 
D is for Daisy
Basically the process is just a drawing of the flower and creating a brooch from the drawing, I am trying to make it as realistically styled as I can. Though I am not used to that! So it is a little sewing out of my comfort zone I guess! I plan on keeping tabs on my progress here and also posting the pins here. Aster is going to be the first and it will be up tomorrow in the shop. I have only made one of each, I don’t know if I am going to stick to that or not. We shall see!!!
Now, it is back to the sewing table for me. Today is a VERY special birthday, my nephew George turns the BIG FOUR YEARS OLD today!!! He just so happens to be a dinosaur expert, so I am stitching him a baby stegosaurus – I will be sure to post some pics when it’s done!
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