Monday, March 12, 2007

The Owl Post #1

Happy Monday Everyone,

There is a theme to my posts this week. It is all things owl. Here is a new item in my Etsy shop: It's an owl patch! I just think that this little owl is pretty cute. Stay tuned for more owl related posts. Owl jewelry, owl paintings, owl puppets . . .

Friday, March 9, 2007

They make a lovely couple

Here is the happy couple, they are for sale in my etsy shop (

New Toys

Happy Friday to you!!!

I am very happy to have wrapped up what was a great week! (Thank you to everyone that picked up some things on my Etsy shop ) I have just posted another miniature couple and in the next week, I hope to have a set of mini kids to go make it a whole happy family!!!

I have become inspired to do something that I haven't done in years. After work today, I headed over to the arts and crafts store and picked up some paint and canvas. I haven't done any painting in a long time. I am not sure what will end up on the canvas, but I am very excited!!!

Also, I picked up some really gorgeous beads. I had no choice they HAD to come home with me!!!

I look forward to getting into the studio and doing a little playing . . . stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Mended Heart Ornament . . . more to come.


well, for those of us eagerly anticipating spring, we had somewhat of a set back today! I awoke at my incredibly early, but beautiful time of the morning only to look out onto a yard full of a couple of inches of snow!!! The picture above is my wiener dog Bean. She too is ready for springtime, it's awfully cold on the belly when your legs are as short as hers!
Pea Soup news: expect some really cute stuff in the shop, hopefully soon! I just posted my latest designs, "Mended heart ornaments" and soon, a little applique patch (a new endeavor.) So check those out @ (As for the new stuff, it has to do with breakfast items in love. I don't want to give to much away! Stay tuned!!!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lucky Leprechaun

Hey Everybody.

I mentioned on my Etsy site ( ) that I think it is my goal to outfit one and all with a pin for every holiday and occasion and so I have stocked my shop with lots of little green shamrocks and lucky leprechauns for sale. Please check 'em out!

Right now in the shop I am making another little miniature couple and they are really cute! Well, right now they are just bits of fabric strewn about the work table . . . but soon they will be a spiffy little couple.

That is one of the best parts of making little creatures, watching them go from fabric and thread to real, little creations with little personalities and moods . . . Don't you all agree? And how 'bout when you think you know how they are going to end up and as you are creating, they evolve into a totally different little personality! (Am I spending too much time hanging out with wool felt critters!?) Happy Monday evening everyone. Stay warm . . .


The word "blustery" always reminds me of Winnie the Pooh.
It is very blustery in the woods here in Pennsylvania. A night of rain, wind and that kind of palpable high energy you get when new weather is moving in. I LOVE Spring and I am ready to celebrate a little Springtime!!!
Production in the Pea Soup Studio has slowed down a good bit over the past few days. Things should be on the up-swing soon. I do believe in creating everyday, even if it means just doodling in a little notebook before bedtime (which I have been doing lately.) Sometimes the BEST ideas come from that in-front-of-the-tv doodling. Do you all carry little notebooks around? DO IT if you don't already. Mine are hilarious, one page will be a really profound quote, the next my grocery list (tea, broccoli . . . . ) and then this great little drawing. And do keep them, even more random and hilarious when taken out of immediate context.

Monday, March 5, 2007


Welcome and here we are!!! I thought that all of the talking to myself, or to the little miniature wiener dog in my lap had gone on long enough. This is the first official post in my journal/blog. This is a place for ideas, creativity, thoughts, recipes, and funny stories about wiener dogs and crafty stuff. The very first thing that is getting posted is a little picture of my latest obsession, little felty finger puppets. I made four sets of these!!! They are not up for sale in my shop, but, rather are gifts for my ever growing brood of nieces and nephews. This little set is called "Fun at the zoo." I am thinking of sewing little pouches to carry them in that look like little cages . . .