Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alphabet Revisited

I couldn't resist showing you this image from one of my very lovely customers - the entire Flowers A to Z project all together in one place!!! Because I did them in batches, they were never all here at the same time.

They do look lovely together, I have to say.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunny Skies, Leafy Trees, Flowers in Bloom

These are a few of my favorite things these days. It has been beautiful these past two days and I have loved every bit of it!

In celebration of the weather and the (final) arrival of spring, I have picked up some other crafty habits (besides stitching of course.) The first is stamp carving - I got a lovely Japanese craft book on the subject a year ago and I am FINALLY on my way to making some stamps and stamping with them! (Like these two:)
(This card set is already available in my DaWanda shop!)

I love how clean the designs are and for someone who spends lots of time making lots of little stitches and details - these are a nice and easy break.

I have also been doing a little painting - and I have some ideas, so more on that when I have something to show for it!

I hope that where ever you are, you are enjoying the same weather that we have been having - gorgeous!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You wouldn't believe it even when I tell you . . .

'Tis true Ladies and Gentlemen. I barely believe it myself.

I am done!


With the "Flowers A to Z" Project!


In my excitement to finish, I took these terrible photos of the last four to show and tell you. I will take better ones, but for now, I present . . . (Drum roll) . . .

W is for Wall Flower (I am not making it up - one such flower exists!)

X is for Xanthium. I know, stretching, but that darn letter U and X!

Y is for Yucca - oh how you grow so wildly through all of my gardens - totally clashing with any type of theme or design I may try.

And last but never least, my very favorite flower of all time . . . (hint hint if anyone ever wants to really knock my socks off)

Z is for Zinnia!!!!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Me Again

It's me again, it's been a month! Since last time I've typed, Spring has sprung, and then winter has just returned for (hopefully) one last kick in our behinds and I celebrated one of those birthdays (again!?) Oh and there was the mini-vacation/girls weekend to Berkeley Springs - so lovely! But I haven't stopped making and doing. (It's just that, as usual, I am working on things that aren't really "in season" to post about here - anyone want to check out my batch of Jack O'Lanterns while the tulips are beginning to bud? I thought not!) But soon I will have two things to share that I think (I hope) you will like too!

For now, I want to share with you this. You might be wondering what a felt- sewing gal like myself is doing with this totally chic, totally fancy and totally gorgeous furniture site - Well this site belongs to a good friend of mine, Rebecca Malik who you can find more about here at her blog. She is doing great work and her eye for design is just so spot on. Way to go Becky!!!