Tuesday, March 6, 2007


The word "blustery" always reminds me of Winnie the Pooh.
It is very blustery in the woods here in Pennsylvania. A night of rain, wind and that kind of palpable high energy you get when new weather is moving in. I LOVE Spring and I am ready to celebrate a little Springtime!!!
Production in the Pea Soup Studio has slowed down a good bit over the past few days. Things should be on the up-swing soon. I do believe in creating everyday, even if it means just doodling in a little notebook before bedtime (which I have been doing lately.) Sometimes the BEST ideas come from that in-front-of-the-tv doodling. Do you all carry little notebooks around? DO IT if you don't already. Mine are hilarious, one page will be a really profound quote, the next my grocery list (tea, broccoli . . . . ) and then this great little drawing. And do keep them, even more random and hilarious when taken out of immediate context.

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