Monday, March 3, 2008

It's Toast-y Outside!

Sorry I couldn’t help it! From the moment that I stepped outside this morning, I have been so jazzed by the weather we are having today. It feels like SPRING! (I know, I know, it was just a couple of days ago that I was saying how much I was enjoying the winter weather.) Well I am over that! The birds, the sun, the warm breeze! This has been the best day! It makes me feel like conquering all kinds of projects! Poor Ed, I have already proclaimed that I want to knock out a wall in the kitchen, paint the walls, and install a clothes line outside. There is no stopping me today!!!

One of my many MANY projects is working on this little batch of toast cards. Right now, they are still missing their wiggly-eyes because apparently no craft shop within an hour radius carries 3mm wiggle eyes any more! I had to order them online. I really think that I personally bought out all their stock!

Other than this batch of toast cards which are for a custom order, I have been preparing for an egg decorating class that I am teaching tomorrow night and trying to get a couple of Easter items in the shop. So far I have this and this, with much more (hopefully) to follow.

Okay, back to work. I hope that you all are having a day as pretty as the one I am having!!!

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