Tuesday, January 8, 2008

You and Me and 70 degrees.

Yep, that's right. It is 71 degrees here in PA. Yep, that's also correct, it is January. Wild!

Because of this unseasonably warm weather, very little crafting has occured. First of all, I am finally taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. :( No fun, but it is easier when it feels more like springtime outside than January.

Another big project that I have decided to undertake - cleaning and organizing the attic. Yuck and double yuck. But I have a visions of organized and well labeled bins lining the walls with all of my things neatly tucked inside . . .

Anyway, back to reality. One thing that I have been working on is more produce, breakfast and sweets cards and sets for the shop. I figured these might make nice Valentines! Also, I have taken a few of the designs and am making little pins to wear. They will also be available in the shop probably later this week.

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