Wednesday, January 2, 2008

In the Winter Sun

One of my resolutions (and I have a good many!) Is to be a better blogger. This should hopefully be a little bit easier since today is my first official day working full time as a craftster. For a long time I have had little odd jobs here and there, but for right now, it is just me and the wool felt and I am so thrilled and scared and just along for the ride really!!!

As much as I tried, I didn't take my holiday break completely without sewing. I just couldn't do it! I am like a lost puppy without some little project cooking. And so, I have been very busy making hearts and valentine-y sort of things. One of the things that I am most excited about is transforming my drawings into sewn ornaments and softies. The picture above is one of my first attempts, a drawing of a cardinal and the little cardinal softie that it inspired! I am very excited about this and will have at least two designs for sale in the shop for Valentines Day.

Okay, back to cleaning the studio, I don't know about you, but the New Year always has me ready to clean and organize!!!

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