Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

It's been sooo long since my last post! I would love to say that I have been so busy making lovely Christmas gifts and toys and decorations that I just haven't had time to post. . . buuuut . . . not so. In fact, I have been spending most of my time helping out my Dad who is a real life butcher. Yes, that means I too have been doing some butchering. Simply the most bizarre thing I could think of doing especially because I am just a tiny little vegetarian crafter. But, my Dad is a pretty awesome guy, so I love to help him when I can.

That said, there are a handful or so of some cute little Christmas pins and ornaments in my shop. I am also going to try very hard to get some more little stuffed toys up as well, specifically some little animals with pretty cotton dresses on. We shall see what happens!

I hope your December is off to a great start!

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