Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sketching and Sewing

After a couple of days without a computer, we are finally back in action! And I am back at the studio table, playing catch up and restocking some items. I realized that I haven't shown all of my crafts cards, so here are the last two:

This one is a little drawing card, don't they look happy!?

And this one, it's a little skein of thread and some embroidery! Inside it says this:

All of the little items are hand made, it reminds me of being little and the many happy hours making miniature items for my dolls and their doll house, grocery store, fabric store, department store . . . not much has changed! Sometimes that is a good thing.

Oh, and these are available in my shop!

1 comment:

Jamie, Shad, Shiloh, and Fifi said...

these are the cutest things i have ever seen. i just saw your stuff on DaWanda and i love it.