An embarrassingly loooong amount of time has passed since my last installment of the "flowers a to z project" - so long that some of you might not know what I am talking about.
After my long vacation from researching flowers, drawing and sketching them and pattern making, I am back at it!
We left off at "R is for Ruella" so here is "S."
Sunflower of course and a mighty large one at that! (Almost 5 inches!)
Here is where I ran into a bit of a snag. (And for future knowledge - if anyone out there knows the answer to this - please send let me know!!!) What flower begins with the letter "U"!?
Umm . . . I know, I don't know and I have looked and asked and searched. I have come to the conclusion that it is a very exotic and well-hidden one! So what to do with the letter U? Well, maybe this was cheating, but I did it any way - the terribly noxious and rash-inducing thistle called "urtica" has a somewhat of a cute little pod on it - and so, here we have the letter u's entry:
Urtica pod. (Of course it is now my one of my favorites!)
Another of my favorites - I love how this turned out!
Pretty little violas for V.
Hope you like them!
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