Thursday, February 26, 2009

They fell in love at the diner . . .

One thing that I have been trying to do more of is taking photos of my work whenever I finish a batch of stuff. Normally I take individual pictures, but I get such a kick out of seeing a whole bunch of one design all together . . .

Like this.

But I couldn't help but notice that these two were giving each other "the look."

So what I decided to do was make them available together as a set here and here.

I would hate to be the one to break them up.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Little Felt Garden

This batch of colorful lovelies are from last month. I thought that we could all use a little color therapy as we forge ahead to the end of the winter and (hopefully) the beginning of an early spring!!
I have added a new design to this series - a simple, small one-flower pin:

I have also added some St. Patty's day items to the shop so check them out!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A verrrry long time . . .

An embarrassingly loooong amount of time has passed since my last installment of the "flowers a to z project" - so long that some of you might not know what I am talking about.

Well, it began here and continued until here.

After my long vacation from researching flowers, drawing and sketching them and pattern making, I am back at it!

We left off at "R is for Ruella" so here is "S."

Sunflower of course and a mighty large one at that! (Almost 5 inches!)

T is for Tulip (and while making - I got excited thinking about the gorgeous tulips that pop up in our side garden bed - soon!!!)

Here is where I ran into a bit of a snag. (And for future knowledge - if anyone out there knows the answer to this - please send let me know!!!) What flower begins with the letter "U"!?

Umm . . . I know, I don't know and I have looked and asked and searched. I have come to the conclusion that it is a very exotic and well-hidden one! So what to do with the letter U? Well, maybe this was cheating, but I did it any way - the terribly noxious and rash-inducing thistle called "urtica" has a somewhat of a cute little pod on it - and so, here we have the letter u's entry:

Urtica pod. (Of course it is now my one of my favorites!)

Another of my favorites - I love how this turned out!

Pretty little violas for V.

Hope you like them!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monkey Cakes

I made these for one very special man in my life. He turned five on Saturday and requested "Monkey Cakes." I was lucky enough to have the latest Martha Stewart in which there happened to be a "monkey cakes" cupcake recipe - viola!
Happy Birthday George!

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Toy and New Work

After many times thinking "I should get one of these" I finally got my grommet/eyelet setter tool - big stuff in the Pea Soup studio! (Almost as big of a deal as when I got my desktop tape dispenser.) And oh man! I want to grommet everything. Ed is truly concerned for his belongings (and rightly he should be.)

So what was my first test drive with the ol' eyelet setter? This little number:

My first felt necklace! I am not sure what is in store for this baby, I am definitely planning on making more - I loved how this one turned out - the ideas are churning . . . .

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Banner

Making a new banner for my Etsy shop was no easy feat.
Was it because I am not very skilled in the art of photo editing software? Perhaps that had something to do with. Was it hard to wrangle a half-dozen fairies armed with spools of thread and tiny fabric scraps?

You betcha.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Two of Us

Isn't that such a sweet song? One of my favorites and I had never heard it until I started dated Ed - then it became a special song for us as we would hear it quite randomly at just the right times. So it seems like an appropriate title for these two - they are pretty in love - just crazy for each other . . .

Can' you tell?

I made them for the special holiday that is quickly approaching. The gentleman has a little red rose on his lapel. I made them as a set, I don't think they could stand not staying together. They are soon to be in the Etsy shop.
Happy February and I think I speak for everyone in this neck of the woods when I say -