Well Folks, Now I know and I am going to impart my newly acquired wisdom on to you all - - -
While cleaning a drinking glass don't put your hand in it, just don't do it.
I ALWAYS did that and last Sunday evening . . . well let's just say it was my very first emergency room visit and my very first set of stitches (6 to be exact.) The good news is, the doctor that stitched me up said that I earned a gold star for being the bravest and most well behaved patient of the day. I told him a gold star would be lovely, as long as it was followed by a nice chilled glass of chardonney. Which it was. I think Ed deserves a gold star too - he watched the whole thing!!!
I have to say that I have been really enjoying my vacation from all things domestic, no cooking or cleaning for me until I start to heal. The only thing that is driving me a little batty is - no sewing or drawing or painting or anything artsy!!! It's downright torture!!! (Although, I have been caught sneaking attempts at drawing and sewing. . . )
So, now we (meaning me) all know, get yourself a bottle brush and keep your hands out of the drinking glasses!!! (That's enough left handed typing for one day . . . )